Custom Invoice Templates

A custom invoice template is an HTML document with some special placeholders that get filled in with the generated data. Using Klok you can generate a basic one. From there you can open your template file and modify the HTML as needed to get the look you want. Once you have a template, you must save it to the correct location.

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The global placeholders available in the template are as follows.

Variable Description
{{date}} The current date
{{to}} The name of the recipient
{{to_contact_email}} The recipient's email address
{{to_contact_phone}} The recipient's phone number
{{description}} This will be replaced by "Invoice for services tendered between [invoice start date] and [invoice end date]"
{{invoice_number}} The invoice number
{{grand_total}} The total invoiced amount. This is calculated based on the hours and the hourly rates specified for billable projects.
{{amount_paid}} This will always be 0
{{amount_due}} The total invoiced amount. This is calculated based on the hours and the hourly rates specified for billable projects.
{{due_date}} The date by which the invoice should be paid
{{thanks}} A thank you message

If you want to itemize your invoice with a line item per project, you can create a section of items by using some special tags as follows.

Variable Description
{{$row}} This isn't technically a placeholder. Instead this indicates that the content between it and the next ${{row}} should be repeated for each line item. You must have exactly two of these.
{{description}} The name of the project
{{quantity}} The number of hours
{{unit_cost}} The hourly rate for this project
{{amount}} The hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours

Below is a very simple example of a template. You would typically want to add some CSS for formatting.

            {{to}}<br />
            {{to_contact_email}}<br />
            <b>Invoice Date:</b><br />
            <b>Invoice Number:</b><br />
        <table id="lineItems">
            <tr><th>Description</th> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Unit Cost</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr>
            <tbody id="main">
            <tr ><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td><td>Total</td><td>{{grand_total}}</td></tr>
            <tr ><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td><td>Paid</td><td>{{amount_paid}}</td></tr>
            <tr ><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td><td>Due</td><td>{{amount_due}}</td></tr>
        <p>Due date: {{due_date}}</p>